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- 2012/10/12 Monograph
- 2012/10/12 Literary work
- 2012/10/12 Toshio Kamijo
- 2012/10/12 Takashi Morinaga
- 2012/10/12 Members
- 2012/10/03 The second salon for the citizen was held on Sep 26th
- 2012/09/20 Takaya SATO (Prof.) and Toshio KAMIJYO (Lecturer) gave presentations at Republic Polytechnic
- 2012/09/14 Summer of Yamagata
- 2012/09/01 Autumn of Yamagata
- 2012/09/01 Winter of Yamagata
- 2012/08/08 The 43rd Society of Fiber Science and Technology, Summer seminar
- 2012/08/03 School 2012 of the green thorawart network summer
- 2012/08/01 Five students went for internship
- 2012/07/30 The first salon for the citizen was held on Jul 25th
- 2012/05/28 Saika HONMA (Technical assistant) presented at 61nd SPSJ Annual Meeting
- 2012/05/21 Takashi MORINAGA(Associate Professor) and Toshio KAMIJYO(Lecturer) presented at IACIS2012
- 2012/05/13 IACIS (International Association of Colloid and Interface Scientists)2012
- 2012/04/20 Tsuruoka National College of Technology’s satellite laboratory was put into Tsuruoka Metabolome Campus
- 2012/04/10 For the next fiscal year
- 2012/04/01 2011 results
- 2012/03/07 The 2nd business-academia collaboration workshop was held on
- 2012/03/06 The 35th Industrial Technology Forum was held
- 2012/03/04 We participated in the SmartCoatings2012
- 2012/02/15 Graduation workshop for Advanced Engineering Course in the 2nd grade was held on
- 2012/02/11 Graduation workshop was held on
- 2012/02/01 We establish a website of “Green Tribology Innovation Network”
- 2012/01/26 Paper was published in the Abstract of energy-related
- 2012/01/04 New year’s greetings
- 2011/12/19 Professor Takaya SATO lectured the course for advanced polymer as an instructor
- 2011/12/09 The 34th Industrial Technology Forum was held
- 2011/12/05 CREST interim report meeting was held in Tsukuba
- 2011/11/22 We gave presentations at private company
- 2011/11/11 Meeting for the director of Northeast Technology Center was held at the Ichinoseki National College of Technology
- 2011/11/04 Networking for research seeds were held in Faculty of Agriculture, Yamagata University
- 2011/10/27 The third salon for the citizen was held on Oct 27th
- 2011/10/26 We held a joint workshop of Keio University and Tsuruoka National College of Technology
- 2011/10/17 We participated in the Symposium of JST- Northeast National Colleges of Technology –
- 2011/10/05 Result of collaborative research for Yoshinobu TSUJII(Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University) and our laboratory appeared in vol.23 issue of “Advanced Materials”(electronic version)
- 2011/10/03 We participated in the Sakata industry Fair
- 2011/09/29 The second salon for the citizen was held on Sep 28th