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Novel solid-state polymer electrolyte of colloidal crystal decorated with ionic-liquid polymer brush.

T. Sato, T. Morinaga, S. Marukane, T. Narutomi, T. Igarashi, Y. Kawano, K. Ohno, T. Fukuda, Y. Tsujii,
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A thin layer including a carbon material improves the rate capability of an electric double layer capacitor.

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SiO2 film deposition on the inner wall of a narrow polymer tube by a capacitively coupled μplasma.

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Fabrication of LiFePO4/carbon composites by glass powder crystallization processing and their battery performance.

Tsuyoshi Honma, Keita Hirose, Takayuki Komatsu, Takaya Sato, Shoko Marukane,
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High rate performance of a lithium polymer battery using a novel ionic liquid
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T. Sato, S. Marukane, T. Narutomi, T, Akao,
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Ionic liquids containing the tetrafluoroborate anion have the best performance
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Studying a phenomenon during overcharge of a lithium-ion battery with
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High energy-density capacitor based on ammonium salt type ionic liquids and
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New design for a safe-lithium ion gel polymer battery.

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Ionic liquids containing additives as electrolytes for lithium ion cells.

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Electrochemical properties of novel ionic liquids for electric double layer
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New application of polyurethane as porous hydrogelcarrier formicroorganisms of
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